Barebells Protein Bar

Flavour: Coco Choco
Sale price£1.00


Barebells are a fairly new protein bar to the game, having been founded in 2016. However, that was in Sweden, and they didn’t make their way to the US for several years after that.

So, if you haven’t heard of Barebells, or have seen them and assumed they were “barbells protein bars,” then you’re likely not alone!

Nutritionally, Barebells are on par with most protein bars you’ll find. Each bar contains around 200 calories and 20 grams of protein, which has become the industry standard.

Biting into a Barebell protein bar is truly like biting into a candy bar. They’re a little bit thicker than your standard candy bar (that’s just the nature of protein), but not enough to be off-putting.

If you’re sick and tired of the typical chewy protein bars, these bars will be a really welcomed change.

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